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Two Roads to 2 Hells: And we thought WE were in the age of information
Misusing power is one of the world’s oldest, biggest problems. Literature's Dr. Faustus and Sir Gawain are only two examples.
One man loves getting information. The other man enjoys showing off his chivalry. Two men, characters in two stories, use their free wills to get what they want.
One reveres books and travel, the other God and king. Neither gets the final chapter he deserves.
Johannes Gutenberg and a grape press: We can read!
Immediately following his invention of the press, the demand for printed material exploded. Once a luxury enjoyed only by the very rich, books were being devoured by women, children, the poor, and the working class. Information spread rapidly and widely, changing what people knew, believed, and thought. Today, in 2023, we still owe thanks to Johannes Gutenberg, who loved reading enough to chase his goals and make information accessible.